Friday, 28 September 2012

I would like to introduce you to A rarely seen creature that could be anywhere!    Even in your house!
Rusty (the rarely seen creature) is lurking around the mountains of Australia and New Zealand

Rusty is twenty centremetres tall and one hundred millimetres wide.
He has five centermetre long, sharp claws to rip apart his enemy or prey.
The viscous creature has five inch long sharp teeth for vampire-type sucking and big bulgy eyes to scare off bigger enemys.

Rusty lives in the high mountains of New Zealand and Australia but he has been reported around small towns and in metal houses, that is how he got his name.
Rusty has also ripped up small children and pets.
Rusty lives in a rabbits burrow and it is located at the top of a mountain.

Rusty has only been seen twice but many things have happened since then .
There are believed to be thirty different species of him.
In the olden days people said there were thousands of them but they died off.
Legend says they don't breed, Just play.

Rusty is A very fiesty, viscous animal which does not fear anything.
They hunt individually or in packs of four.
They fight over their food and their mothers feed their babies by squirting a
toxic liquid into their eyes which

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