Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Brock`s Animals

I love animals and I want to become a zookeeper when I am older as you know on my first blog and I want to work with Giraffes as I adore them.
I went to the Hamilton zoo a couple of years ago and I never wanted to go and eat my lunch but I knew we would come back so I blew A kiss to one I called Harold.
I feel really embarrassed now but hey it`s worth it.
Thankyou for reading :)


  1. Hi Brock - now I know something new about you! Have you seen the giraffe in my office? He stands on the shelf to remind us that we should all be tall giraffes who stand out from the crowd.
    Regards, Mrs Hyde

  2. Hi brock great blog cool that you like giraffes
    from cullen

  3. Great Blog,
    Hey i love Girrafes to and cool Blog.
